29 May 2011

Did you miss me?

What a great week!  We are now home safe & sound from our week in Nags Head.  I fully planned on blogging as the sun was rising over the Atlantic and making all of you insanly jealous, but there was no internet connection to be found.  Guess that's a good thing since my motives were not at all nice, huh? 
We visited the N.C. Aquarium and the Wright Brothers Memorial (more on that later this week).
For the most part with hung out at the house...

Gorgeous, right?  The owners lived on the other side, Ronnie spoke to them about their rentals and has decided that a ocean front rental might just be a great investment.  I give this idea an 7.5 on a scale of bees to 10.

We spent most of our time just playing on the beach.

This picture isn't the best, but it makes me laugh!
It was so nice not to have anything to do.  Just to take care of the moment at hand and enjoy each other.  No to do list, no school, no phones....ahh....

One last picture:

How can you not be totally crazy for a guy who doesn't mind being buried up to his waist in sand?
I do so love that man!

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