02 May 2011

No more procrastination?

Hi, my name is Charli and I'm a procrastinator. I really don't mean to procrastinate. I have the best of intentions. But time after time, I find myself running behind or forgetting to do my Wednesday night Bible study (sorry Esther...I'm sure I'll finish you eventually) or even realizing my thank you cards from my birthday are still sitting without stamps on the microwave and wondering if it's too late to send them out now. Maybe it's not just procrastination, maybe it's an excess of activity and a love of sleeping at least 5 hours a night. Is that too much for a girl to ask? If I'm honest, I'll have to admit it's a combination. Between raising the boys, homeschooling 2 out of 3, keeping the books for our rental business, working as a nurse and trying to be a great wife to my husband - I'm beat! So, although this blog is about our adventures here in our little corner of the world, it's also about keeping me honest....and hopefully a little more timely. Stop back tomorrow to hear about our summer plans...Ronnie is just "buzzing" with excitement about them.




  1. Ok maybe you can get this procrastinator to update my family blog! lol The diet thing, yea I need to do that with you too. Can't wait to read about your summer plans. btw missed you Friday!

    Sonya L.

  2. Yeah, I can be a bit of a procrastinator too. I think its so hard to find the balance between doing it all and having some down time. Things are probably only going to get worse with a third one on the way.


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