27 June 2011

Menu Plan Monday for June 27th

One more busy week and then we should be back to a more normal schedule.  I have to work until 8pm at FGH this week and I work a day at UHC.  Also, my sweet little Hannah is having eye surgery on Wednesday - please say a prayer for that precious girl.  I'm going to take over dinner & a treat when she gets home.

On the home front, there is now a nanny goat living under our trampoline.  Actually, she has an area in the yard, she's just decided she likes to lay under our trampoline.  She's here because she has a split hoof and we are changing the dressing daily until it's better. 

Sometimes I stop and think to myself, "In a million years, I never thought that sentence would come out of my mouth." 

And yes, before you even ask, she is standing in her feed.  Why?  Well, I guess it's because goats are weirdos.  That's why.

I'm not planning on doing any big projects this week or my 31 days book.  My goal is just to get through it.  Some weeks are like that.

Here's the plan:

Monday:  Tiella and garlic bread
Tuesday: Maple barbecue chicken sandwiches, green beans & watermelon
Wednesday:  Taco salads
Thursday:  Burgers, pasta salad & corn on the cob.
Friday:  Steak, baked potato, salad
Saturday:  Pizza night
Sunday:  Strawberry spinach salad with grilled chicken and homemade bread.

I'm going to post my Tiella recipe later this week.  So good.  It really is what zucchini wants to be when it grows up. 

Pizza night is always a favorite at our house.  I make the boys their cheese pizza and then something with actual toppings for Ronnie & I.  I serve it with a salad and a dessert and we try to have family time that night.  It's usually something simple like playing outside, playing a game, or watching a movie together.  Sometimes it's nice just to stay home and enjoy each other.  

This week, I'm all about trying to keep it simple. 

We'll see how that goes.

I'm linking up with Organizing Junkie for Menu Plan Monday.  Check it out.

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