10 June 2011

My first gluten free cookies.

I love to bake.  There's nothing better than the smell of homemade breads, cookies or pies coming from my kitchen.  Which is all the more reason this gluten free change is giving me some trouble. 

I've seen online all the recipes to combine rice flour and all kinds of other things together to make a flour like alternative to bake with, but I don't want to go to the expense of that until I see if Josh has any improvement. 

I have resorted to....a box mix.  Now, I actually do use cake mixes some, but I always add to them to make them taste more homemade.  Seeing how gluten free baking is totally new to me, I decided to listen to the good folks at Betty Crocker for this batch of cookies.

After following the directions on the box, here's what I had:

A disastrously crumbly mess.  The box did say mixture would be crumbly, but really?  I had my doubts.  I squished crumbs together and place them on my baking sheets.

Don't be grossed out, my cookie sheets are clean - they just get a lot of use.

I baked my squishy cookies for 13 minutes @ 350. 

Imagine my surprise when they actually looked, and more importantly, tasted good.  We enjoyed them with a glass of milk.  Josh was relieved.  When I told him earlier that he would be taking his own snack to church, I think he imagined a lunch box full of brussel sprouts.  I'm trying my best to show him we're just making a few changes to help him feel better.  We will still have a very normal life.  Well, normal for us.


Don't forget to stop by Trinity tomorrow for the yard sale.  Over 20 families in one place.  Hope to see you there.


  1. If you need any help with Gluten free menus, I am racking up a good collection since I found out I have a wheat allergy. I appreciate Betty Crocker for making GF items but they look awful before baking!

  2. Thanks for the offer, but it looks like Josh doesn't have a wheat allergy after all. He's had no improvemt after 4 weeks and his celiac panel came back ok. I thought the cookies tasted pretty good, but they had a weird taste 2 days later. Guess you should just eat them all the same day!


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