15 June 2011

Showing Big Daddy Some Father's Day Love!

Sunday is Father's Day.  The day we throw a card at Dad and slap a new tie on him to say thanks for all he does.  Maybe he deserves a little more than that?

You don't have to break the bank to make your man feel special at Father's Day, or any other day for that matter. 

Here's a few of the things I like to do for Ronnie to let him know how much we appreciate him:

  • Make his favorite meals.  Remember the saying "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach".  It's true.  I know my hubby loves a great steak and my brownies.  This is usually the meal he requests for his birthday, Father's day, really any special occasion.

  • Let him know you appreciate him.  Ronnie works over.  A lot.  I do appreciate that he provides for our family, but it's easy to get discouraged at being alone with the boys - with no break or backup for support.  I make sure to tell him as he leaves for work that I love him and appreciate what he does for our family.  I also make sure to get up with him to pack his lunch and make his breakfast.  Yes, he can do this himself, but it's just another way I choose to show my appreciation for him working and allowing me to stay home with our boys.

  • Create a relaxing environment for him when he comes home.  Let's change relaxing to "less crazy".  Some days it's all I can do to not bolt out the door and say "Good luck with all that!".  Running a business from home, homeschooling  the boys, trying to maintain some level of cleanliness in our home...it takes it's toll.  I try to have a clean up time at 2 pm and then let the kids watch some TV so that when Ronnie comes home at 3, it's not pure chaos.  It's ridiculously hot where he works, so I make sure there is something cold for him to drink as well.  Simple, but I know he appreciates it. 

  • Be outrageous!  We've made him signs, wrote "I love Daddy" in Styrofoam cups on the chain link fence (my personal favorite), tucked notes or pictures in his lunch - the unexpected is a lot of fun for everyone.

  • Pray for him, especially when he's with you.  I'm praying for him in my quiet time, but I love to pray for him and with him.  I know how much it means to me to know that he's praying for me, and I like to do the same for him.

  • This is the PG-13 part of the post, so let me delicately say....we were created to be man and wife for a reason...enjoy it!  My mom told me growing up that I needed to know two things to keep my hubby happy....and cooking was the other one. 

  • Lastly, make him a priority.  It's easy to get caught up in all you have to do - and you do have a lot to do.  Take some time each day to connect with him.  Even on the days he works 7am - 11pm, we still make a few moments before sleep to hold hands and talk about our day.  Some of the other things we do are family dinner, sitting together on the couch to watch TV or a movie, drinking iced tea on the front porch swing after the boys are in bed and just talking - without interruptions.  Remember, there's more to you family than just the kids.  He's very important too!

You mission, if you choose to accept it- do something to make your man feel special.

Oh, and don't forget to call him "Big Daddy". 

I'm linking up with Courtney at Women Living Well today.  Check it out.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great post, Charli, and I totally agree! I posted our Father's Day on my family blog. Glen was surprised, and it was a great end to his work day. :)


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