I have jokingly said that this will be the year that lets me know if I have what it takes to home school. While we had a few bumps in the road last year, Josh was an easy child to teach.
This year......John starts kindergarten. I think that once he gets used to the idea that this is an everyday thing that is not going away, he'll be fine. Just in case, I'm unplugging the TV the first week of August to help get them out of summer mode and back to our normal schedule. Although I've loved our laid back style, I'm ready for more structure to our days.
So here's my rundown of our curriculum for this school year.
Josh 1st grade
Explode the Code
Horizons Math
Exploring Creation with Astronomy
Story of the World Volume 1
Daily 6 Writing Traits
A Reason for Handwriting A
Daily Geography
Language Lessons for the Very Young
Song School Latin
Children's Music Journey (not bought yet. I've almost saved up enough for this).
Draw a Circle Draw Anything (also square and triangle versions)
Come Look with Me: Exploring Landscape Art with Children
John Kindergarten
Explode the Code
Mathematical Reasoning
The Reading Lesson
Language Lessons for Little Ones
Reason for Handwriting K
Beginning Geography
Developing the Early Learner
A Nature Walk with Aunt Bessie (Science)
Draw a Circle Series (with Josh)
Continue Signing Times series (ASL)
Josiah - Pre K 4
I'm using Raising Rock Stars Preschool from Carissa at 1+1+1=1. It's based on the book My ABC Bible Verses. His work will be like John's last year consisting of learning skills - pre writing, cutting, pasting - a lot of hands on and educational toys & games. Last year we worked no longer than 30-45 minutes on any given day and I think that was a good plan.
I used the RRSP Bible verse during circle time for everyone to learn. It doesn't hurt to learn the same verses again one more year.
For the older boys, I supplement with fun things like Geopuzzles, Inchimals, and Wrap Ups as well as lots of board games. I really think if we did nothing but board games and reading aloud they would learn 90% of all they need to know in Kindergarten.
We also have co-op, church clubs and sports - fall soccer and winter basketball. So please don't worry about our socialization. :)
While it looks like a lot, many of these subjects are only once or twice weekly.
Of course, all the boys will be doing Story of the World, Nature Walk and Astronomy activities together. While the younger boys might not get everything being taught, they usually glean quite a bit of information from each others lessons.
As an example, I focused on sign language with Josh for Kindergarten last year. We used the DVD series Signing Times - which is fantastic. I'm amazed at the amount of signs they all now know. They even sign "May I be excused" at the end of our meals.
I almost forgot the class I'm most excited about! Stick Figuring through the Bible - Old Testament. The plan is to start our lesson on Sunday evening as a family and then review the lesson through the week. The boys like to draw, so I think they'll enjoy this and even I can handle a stick figure.
A lot of my curriculum ideas come from Timberdoodle. I like their site and their product reviews.
Here's to a great school year!
* Don't forget the free Union Mission Concert this Saturday from 5pm - 10pm at Palentine Park. Here's the info from their FB page:
The proceeds of this event will benefit the Union Mission of Fairmont in its efforts to provide food, shelter, and clothing to the homeless and needy.
We are hoping to bring awareness to the Union Mission, acquire new donors, and receive donations at the benefit.
Featuring the music of:
5:00 pm - Sandy Lusco (Country/Gospel)
6:15 pm - Tyson Greza (Praise and Worship)
7:30 pm - Brandon Wood (Blues/Pop)
8:45 pm - Last Year's Model (Alternative Rock)
All musicians are Christian and this will be a fun, family friendly evening.
I can personally vouch for Brandon Wood and Last Year's Model....they're great. That makes me assume the other two are going to be great as well.
Did I mention it's great FREE music? That's family friendly? For a great cause? Oh, I did. Well good. Go. And I'll see you there
Your curriculum list has a lot I have never heard of. Yet, I am sure you will have a wonderful time teaching your kids. Don't worry about the socialization...it's so over rated. :-) They learn it no matter who they are around. I would start to worry when they run the other direction every time someone new comes around the corner.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the encouragement. I've used about the same thing for Josh's K last year and liked it. I get most of my ideas from Timberdoodle.com - I really like their site.
ReplyDeleteI just started looking at curriculum this week. I would really like to start in August but with the baby I know it will be September. We started in Sept. last year and still took time off so hopefully it will be ok again this year. I'm at a loss as to how to keep Eli entertained though. I have a book of activities for toddlers that I'm going to try and work from but his attention span is 20 seconds it seems. Your curriculum sounds great and I know you will do a fantastic job with the boys.
ReplyDeleteErica, have you ever tried "hiding" some favorite toys until school time. I have special toys that are only allowed to be played with during school. I used big legos, lincoln logs, special puzzles, and Josiah's favorite - a dry erase board and markers and his leapster or smart cycle. It wasn't always a success, but it did help a lot.
ReplyDeleteHey I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading your blog. You have good views, Keep up the good informative info :)
ReplyDeleteLooks like your on the ball. I've offered this before, if you would like to come to my house, you are more than welcome to look at my materials also. I use some free online sites you might be interested in. Our kids are close to the same age. I used leap frog videos also to teach their phonics and keep them busy while working with something else. I've not tried some of your materials but I'm sure they are good ones. Timberdoodle is a great site. Barbie