06 September 2011

Attack of the Umbrella.

A few months back, I picked up a new umbrella.  Actually, Josh picked it out for me.  He thought the bright colors might make working in the rain a little better for me. 

Today, I tried it out.

As I walked from my car to my first patient's home, I was completely dry under my giant, colorful umbrella.  Until, all of a sudden, Snap!   My umbrella completely closed on it's own and I was soaked in a matter of seconds. 

At my second house of the day, I held the umbrella a little more carefully and closely.  Just as I stepped onto the porch....Snap!   The umbrella not only closed unexpectedly, the black rods on the inside got completely stuck in my ponytail.  Completely.  Stuck. 

I have no doubt that seeing the nurse, who is coming to check on you and take your blood, twirling in a circle trying to get an umbrella out of her hair must be very comforting. 

I caught a view of myself in their mirror as I entered the house.  I was a cross between Alice Cooper and Don King.  Raccoon eyes and crazy hair.

So, how was your day?


  1. I knew by the title (without even reading) that this post would be entertaining.....it didn't disappoint! Your adventures crack me up!


  2. Thanks Shannon. Today was an adventure alright.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your day. I would imagine it would be quite humorous when you look back, but never at the time. I would think the work you do speaks for itself.
    Hope your next day is grand.

  4. Thanks Rachel. Once I was dry again, I could laugh at myself. It was either laugh or cry!


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