25 February 2013

Menu Plan Monday for February 25th.

Happy Monday!

Today is a special day because it's my mom's birthday.  And I love her so much I'm not going to out her age on my blog this morning.  You're welcome, mom.

This weekend was a lot of fun.  I didn't go to the grocery store on Saturday and it was lovely.  Then again, it's still the first week of my once a month shopping experiment.  I would hope I planned well enough to at least make it the first week!  I still have plenty of bread and milk in the freezer and everything else is working out so far. 

My mother in law, Marion, and I went and checked out a new shop that opened in Fairmont called The Artisan's Shop.  It's a cute little place with different items from local crafters.  I picked up a cute scarf (mostly because I want to make some like it and was having trouble figuring out how to make it from the picture).  While I was there, I also won a door prize - a hand painted glass and two candle tarts.  Nice.

While I was in town, Ronnie & the boys were working on our hillbilly chicken coop.  And yes, it's hillbilly.  My friend and former co-worker Leslie decided to get rid of her chickens because they quit laying.  Ronnie has been wanting chickens for a few years now and just like all his ideas, he eventually wears me down.  When Leslie offered us her chickens, we took them with the intention of butchering them.  Before that fateful day arrives, we decided do try our hand at keeping chickens.  Ronnie put hay under the old truck camper, made a roost and we set it up in the outside dog pen, then covered the pen with a tarp.  They seem very happy in there.  It's only been two days, but so far it's really not been any work.  My new problem is that John loves the chickens.  Especially the brown one (Taco) and the little one (Buffalo).  We'll see how it goes. 

Enough of my chit chat, here's this weeks menu:

Monday:  Dinner out for my mom's birthday.
Tuesday:   Loaded baked potatoes with leftover chili and salad.
Wednesday:  Baked chicken fajitas, refried beans.
Thursday:  Steak bites sweet potatoes and green beans.
Friday:  Dinner at friend's house.
Saturday:  Leftovers or breakfast for dinner.
Sunday:  Pot roast with potatoes and carrots.

Don't forget to hop on over to orgjunkie.com for more great menu ideas.


  1. I'm stopping by from Organizing Junkie's Menu Plan Monday today for a blog visit.
    Sounds like you had a terrific weekend.
    Looks like there's going to be some delicious meals this week at your house.
    This gal is always looking for recipe ideas and inspiration.
    Thanks for participating in MPM!


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