19 January 2014

Menu Plan Monday for January 20th.

Only ten more days to go in my "Eat from the Pantry Challenge". All I’ve picked up from the store has been four loaves of bread and six gallons of milk. In case you’re wondering, yes, I do go through about twelve gallons of milk a month. Don’t mention it to Ronnie. I’m not interested in milking a cow on top of everything else I do each day. (This would actually be a funny comment if it wasn’t so true.)

The good news is that I have finally made a big dent in my freezers, so I can go to my brother’s and pick up the meat I have stored in his freezer. We ended up keeping a cow and a half this year and on top of the extra chickens I had ordered from Emily, our freezers are overwhelmed. Not that I’m complaining. It was just good to make some room this month.

I don’t really have anything that out of the ordinary scheduled for this week, so that’s nice. Just the regular chaos. With that said, here’s this week’s menu:

Monday: Vegetable beef soup and homemade rolls

Tuesday: BBQ chicken and baked potatoes with applesauce

Wednesday: Baked potato bar and peaches

Thursday: Grilled chicken, green beans and carrots

Friday: Parmesan tilapia, baked potatoes and green beans

Saturday: Chicken and potato skillet, peaches

Sunday: Pineapple pork roast, rice and carrots

Breakfast will continue to be a rotation of eggs, oatmeal and cocoa wheats.
Lunch is leftovers, soup and sandwiches
Snacks will be carrots and dip, trail mix and apples
Treats will be chocolate chip bundt cake and no bake cookies.

And there you have it.

Don’t forget to stop by orgjunkie.com to check out more menu planning ideas!


  1. This menu sounds fantastic!! It's full of tons of my favorites!!

  2. Great site! Hi, do you have an email address I can contact you on? Thanks and have a great day!


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