17 February 2014

Menu Plan Monday for February 17th.

Hey there.

Guess what?

It's still a snowy mess here in good ol' WV.

I'm trying my best not to complain because it's winter.  It's kinda what it's supposed to do right now.

But I am getting a little tired of mucking through the snow to take care of the chickens. 

Anyway....... today is not just MPM, it's also my nephew Shawn's birthday.  That boy is pure joy and energy!  We're a big February birthday family - me, Brent, Shawn, Leslie and my mom.  Just more proof that all good people are born in February.

I feel like I'm coming down with a cold, so it's full force on all my hippie tricks - oils, probiotics, garlic, honey and if I'm not feeling better by tonight I'm pulling out the apple pie moonshine for a good old fashioned hot toddy.  Talk about a good night's sleep.  Check back in Wednesday  and I'll post all my tricks that I use to avoid both illness and pharmaceuticals. 

Anyway, enough about me, here's the menu for this week:

Monday:  Kielbasa and potatoes, applesauce
Tuesday:  Soup beans and cornbread (I didn't make this last week)
Wednesday:  Steak bites, baked potatoes and carrots
Thursday:  Grilled chicken, buttered noodles, green beans.
Friday:  Pizza night
Saturday:  Beef enchiladas, refried beans (from soup beans), salad
Sunday:  Potato soup and sandwiches or leftovers.

And that's it!  Don't forget to hop on over to orgjunkie.com for more great menu planning ideas.


  1. And more snow tonight? You guys have just had a crazy winter. My parents live on a hill (who in WV doesn't?) and they're getting cabin fever! I think we're ALL ready for spring!!!

  2. I know! Without a doubt it's been a snowy one this year. And I'll point out that it almost always snows on Monday night. (I think it's because I work on Tuesdays).


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