28 April 2014

Menu Plan Monday for April 28th

Look at me!  Dusting off the ol' blog cobwebs for a Menu Plan Monday.

Please excuse my absence.  I was a little overextended in my responsibilities and something had to give.  I suddenly realized that I was super stressed out about keeping up a blog that's supposed to be my stress relief.  Weird, right? 

Anyway....... life is still busy, but I'm now done with teaching at co-op which is great.  And I'm down to only one nursing job, which is a little sad, but a good choice for our family.  

This past weekend was officially the world's worst birthday party.  I spent a ton of time stalking Pinterest and planning the most awesome Star Wars birthday party ever for John's 8th birthday only to have him start throwing up everywhere about an hour before the party.  So basically, we're enjoying 16 foam pool noodle lightsabers and all the leftover Colo's pizza that we couldn't give away.  Good news is that he finally feels better and no one else has gotten sick.

Ronnie is off from work this week, which while I love him being here, can also be a challenge - because I love him being here and don't want to get any of my own work done.  I'll muddle through.

So without further rambling on my part, here's this week's menu:

Monday:  Steak, sweet potatoes and salad
Tuesday:  Baked chicken legs, carrots and green beans
Wednesday:  Joni's squash & rice, salad, watermelon
Thursday:  Taco salads
Friday:  Grilled chicken, baked potatoes and broccoli
Saturday:  Barbecue Ranch Chicken salad
Sunday:  Leftovers or breakfast for dinner.

And that's it! 

1 comment:

  1. Boo! I"m sorry his party didn't go so well, but I"m glad he's feeling better! If anything, those pool noodle swords will work great with shack wacky kids....i may make my own set for my kids this summer! :)


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