30 June 2014

Menu Plan Monday for June 30th.

Finally.  I feel like I can take a breath!

School is done at last.  Portfolio and notice for next year has been mailed in.  Now, it's finally time for Summer fun.

This week, I'm getting the boys & I ready for a week at church camp.  Yours truly will be the camp nurse.  Truth be told, Ronnie is the one I'm worried about most since I have him spoiled rotten.  I'm leaving him with some meals to warm up while we're gone. 

This week is all about playing catch up.  I'm going to catch up on laundry, cleaning and the books for the business.  I'm planning on keeping the menu simple.

Monday:  Burgers, roasted red potatoes and corn on the cob
Tuesday:  Chicken ranch tacos, peaches
Wednesday:  Steak, baked potatoes and salad
Thursday:  Baked chicken legs, broccoli and applesauce
Friday: Pizza night
Saturday:  Uncle Jay's dish (recipe to come this week - it's amazing), salad and fruit.
Sunday:  Off to camp!

So, what's good at your place this week?

Don't forget to stop by orgjunkie.com for more great menu ideas.

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