22 August 2015
Make Over Your Mornings.
Let me start by saying that I loved this course!
At the end of June, I was talking with my friend Tracey about how I just couldn't seem to get on track. I was accomplishing what had to get done in my life - feeding the tribe, basic cleanliness - but I just couldn't get motivate like I used to be. I felt like I was always rushing around from one thing to the next but never actually in control of my days. Just putting out fire after fire.
Imagine my surprise when my I got an email from my favorite blogger, Crystal Paine at moneysavingmom.com with a new e-course. Tracey & I decided to take this course at the same time to encourage each other and, if I'm being honest, so that I could be accountable to someone to actually finish it. Make Over Your Mornings was just the encouragement I needed to get back on track. The videos were just 5 minutes a day followed by a 5 minute or less read in the accompanying e-book and a 5 minute challenge. The best thing about this course is that it wasn't a "one size fits all" type course. It challenged me to think about what I needed to do to make my life run smoother.
I spent time thinking about what my families priorities are and what my personal priorities are and came up with a daily plan that helps me to accomplish what's important to running this house and making my life less stressful. Since July, I've been following a morning and evening routine that wasn't just something I found on Pinterest that works for someone else. My routine needed to include time for running a rental business, homeschooling three active boys, finding time to spend with a consistently busy husband who basically is doing two full time jobs, serving at my church, caring for a small house that with five people in it quickly gets messy and finding time to take care of me - spiritually and physically. Something that frequently gets tossed to the wayside.
And yes, I probably could have came up with a plan on my own. But here's the thing - I didn't. And I hadn't. And what I was doing wasn't working. By taking just 15 minutes a day for 14 days, I was able to get back on track in little bite size increments.
Interested? Check it out at makeoveryourmornings.com. There's a one day sale on August 25th. You can get the 14 day course for $10. This is not an affiliate link for me. I get nothing from it. I just know how it motivated me to get back on track.
And maybe I'm not the only one needing some motivation.
Upon your recommendation I bought the course today. I like her style most of the time and certainly have no trouble following some sound recommendations on how to streamline my efforts. I will keep you posted. Thanks for sharing about the sale!
Megan, can't wait to hear how it works for you.