03 September 2015

Our Curriculum 2015-2016.

I'll admit it.  I'm a curriculum junkie.  I don't personally know a homeschooling momma who isn't.

There's just something about finding the right fit for your kids and home, right?

I'm really excited for this year.  I feel like we've been doing this long enough that we have our groove going on.  It's a good feeling.  I have a couple of new things we're trying out and some of our courses are online but I'm still sticking with most of the basics that I love.

Here's what we're doing as a group:

Mystery of History - New for us and I personally can't wait.  It correlates what's going on in history with events in the Bible.

Exploring Creation Zoology 1 - I love that I found the Jr. Notebooks for this class.

My Brother's Keeper and Because I Said So are the first unit studies I'm using for Bible.  This site has some other's that I'm looking at for the holidays but I'm waiting for them to go on sale again.

We're also doing a fun thing this year that isn't a planned curriculum.  We're watching a few seasons of The Amazing Race on Netflix.  I'm combining this with a world atlas, a map and some online searches for a fun study on world cultures, geography and a little more history. 

Josh's curriculum for 5th grade:

Teaching Textbooks
Explode the Code online
Sequential Spelling
Language Lessons
Rosetta Stone Spanish
This year, I want him to work on reading comprehension and writing.  He'll be keeping a reading journal that I downloaded from Teachers Pay Teachers and using it with his required reading books and one of his picks each month. 
The other thing I'm excited about is this:  Q&A a Day for Kids.  It's a question a day journal that will hopefully help with getting thoughts on paper.

John, 4th grade and Josiah, 3rd grade are pretty similar:

Horizons Math
Explode the Code online
Language Lessons
Sequential Spelling
TTRS for typing, reading and spelling
Rosetta Stone Spanish
Story Cubes - for creative writing

We're also keeping up our review time with our FlashMaster - which was an awesome purchase and worth every penny for us.

All in all, I think it's going to be a pretty good year.


  1. How are you liking Mystery of History so far? I haven't decided on history still for this year..

  2. I like it. We don't do all the activities, but it's really interesting to see how everything lines up timewise.


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