16 May 2011

Menu Plan Monday 5/16.

I have made the executive decision to come clean this week...with my house.  We're going on vacation soon and I don't want my house sitter to a) run screaming from the house or b) enter and never be seen again.  I admit I've lowered my home standards since having the boys.  I now have an "acceptable" level of chaos that I can handle and I am approaching my threshold. 

I also realized that my wonderful dinner with my Mom - just her & I - really didn't count as the Mother's Day present I intended it to be, since she ended up paying.  So, as a late gift, I'm bringing her dinner every night this week after she gets off work.  I know when I worked full time, I would have loved this. 

I actually stuck well to last week's plan.  My only change was Saturday.  I picked up some great sourdough buns at Walmart on the markdown shelf and made chicken hoagies instead of the freezer lasagna.  I used some of the peppers we canned last year and marinated chicken tenders from the freezer.  Delish. 

We didn't eat out at all.  Amazing, huh?

So here's this weeks plan:
Monday - Baked Spaghetti, garlic bread and green beans
Tuesday - Grilled chicken, cheesy broccoli and corn
Wednesday - Steak, baked potatoes and green beans
Thursday - Cream cheese chicken, brussel sprouts, wheat rolls and peaches
Friday - Chicken Fajitas
Saturday - Homemade Pizza and fruit.
Sunday - Leftover pizza and chicken fajita salads. 

I'm excited to try the baked spaghetti recipe, I think Ronnie will really like it.  We're having one of my freezer meals on Thursday - it's bee day.  Ronnie will be traveling to Ripley around 4am to get the bees, driving back home to put them in their hives, then working 3-11.  Let's face it, depending how the bee adventure goes, it may be cereal night!  Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it. 

So, what are you having this week?

I'm linking up with Organizing Junkie here for Menu Plan Monday.  Check it out.


  1. Great menu plan! My boys love baked spaghetti. Have a great week!



  2. Well truth be told I clicked on you only because my name is Charli also and its even spelled the same way and I thought that was cool!! Your meal plan looks great! Cooking with kids is always an adventure!!


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