14 May 2011

Some (cheap) Summer Fun.

In my mind, it's summertime.  Even though we "do school" year round, Summer is still a break for us.  This year we're using the Summer months to catch up on Math & Reading.  I'm also planning on knocking out Health and maybe Geography.
Don't worry, there is still loads of time for fun this Summer.

 And if you know me at all, you know it's going to be fun for very little change.

Here's a few things on the calendar so far:
  • Picnic at Valley Falls or Morris Park.
  • Free tours at Grafton Dam on Fridays at 1pm during the Summer.
  • Carmike Cinemas in Bridgeport has $1 movies on Tuesday for last years kid"s movies.
  • MCPARC is having a playground program this summer.  Daily activities including arts & crafts, organized games, and weekly themes. 
  • MCPARC is also offering swim lessons for $40 this summer.  One session in June and one in July. 
  • Don't forget about Guyses Run Fishing Park.  It's only $2 to fish, no license needed.  Kids 6 and under are free.
  • Two words:  Rail Trail.  We love the rail trail.  Sometimes we walk.  Sometimes we bike.  Most of the time the kids bike and the dog & I walk with them.  Pack lunch in the backpack and we have a great, free afternoon. 
  • We're trying something new this year.  Geo caching.  Now that we have a GPS, I think this will be a fun family activity. 
  • If you don't mind heading to Morgantown, Boparc has some great activities this summer including concerts at Krepps park and Kid's Day in downtown Morgantown for free.  (Minus that tank of gas!).
  • Last, but not least, don't forget Prickett's Fort.  They have lots of free or inexpensive activities, including concerts and educational activities. 
Another great option is the movies, especially on a hot afternoon.  Tygart Valley Cinemas has reduced rates on movies before 4pm and all day Tuesdays.  There are some great kids movies coming out this year, like Kung Fu Panda 2, Cars 2, Winnie the Pooh, Judy Moody and the Not So Bummer Summer, and Smurfs. 
Oh!  Wait a minute!  How could I forget our summer standby....the drive in!  We love the drive in.  We bring dinner, drinks and snacks, flip the van seats so there's a big open area, lay out blankets and have great family time under the stars.  You get 2 movies for less than you would pay for one, and it's just a great experience.   They usually show a kids movie followed by a grown up selection.  Our kids usually end up falling asleep at the end of their movie, so, BONUS, Ronnie & I get some drive in time to ourselves.  WooHoo!  Check out this link to see what drive in is closest to you.
I hope I've given you some inspiration for your summer plans
Now go have a fun (cheap) Summer!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Rachel for reminding me about Heston Farms movie night. We haven't gone there, but I've heard great things about their pizza's and a Llama or Alpaca that lives there.


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