13 August 2011

My Infamous Peach Salsa.

What do you do when you've been canning peaches for so long that you're sticking to the floor and you can't take it any longer?  You search for an easier recipe to use up the rest of your peaches.

That's how Ronnie & I found our absolute favorite new treat - Peach Salsa.

We tweaked it a little based on the produce we had available and the fact that Ronnie & the boys are not fans of anything with too much kick to it.

Last year, we canned our peaches 80% canned and 20% salsa.  I'm planning on doing closer to a 50/50 mix this year. 

Here's the recipe:

4 cups fresh peaches - peeled, pitted and chopped

1/2 cup chopped onion

1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper

4 Hungarian wax peppers, minced

1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin

1/4 cup white vinegar

1 teaspoon grated lime zest

1/4 cup white sugar

1 package pectin

3 1/2 cups white sugar

canning jars, rings and lids

Sterilize jars and lids.
In a large saucepan, combine peaches, onion, pepper, cilantro, garlic, cumin, vinegar, and lime zest. Stir together pectin and 1/4 cup sugar. Bring to a boil, and stir in remaining 3 1/2 cups sugar. Boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, and stir for 5 minutes.
    Pour peach salsa into prepared jars, leaving 1/4 inch air space. Seal, and process in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes

    Serve with chips and enjoy the shouts of your deeply grateful friends and family that you chose worthy to share this with. 

    In the past year, if you have gotten to taste this salsa, consider yourself loved by Ronnie.  He is very protective of his golden salsa.  This isn't taken to just any church function.  You must be deemed worthy of the salsa. 

    I'm planning on making much more this year, so we can share it.  

    It really is a great recipe. 


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