12 August 2011


We went to VBS at Fairmont First last week.  This is the church that Ronnie's parents and his brother's family attend. 

What a great job Shannon and all the teachers did!  The boys had a blast and I was very impressed with what they learned.  Even Josiah came home telling me that he learned about Saul and Paul. 

Thanks again to everyone for their hard work.  I know of at least three little guys who loved it.  Can't wait until next year!


  1. Awwww, Charli- thanks for bringing them! Glad they had fun and learned something :)

  2. Sounds like fun--and no scary lamb stories! :)

  3. Shannon, we had a great time! And Selena, thank goodness there were no scary lamb stories. I don't know if I could take anymore of that.


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