17 October 2011

Menu Plan Monday for October 17th.

I'm having one of those weeks where I don't want to make a menu plan.  I know I need one, or we'll end up eating out.  Especially since Ronnie is working doubles all this week.  It's so easy for me to "cheat" on my menu when I know he's not going to be home to eat with us.  Here's the problem though.  I don't plan my menu, we eat out.  I spend money feeding the boys & I.  I have no leftovers to pack in Ronnie's lunch, so he buys his lunch.

It's really a vicious cycle.  We're spending money for food that's less healthy and way more expensive than if I had just cooked dinner to start with. 

OK, I've talked myself back into a menu plan.

Here it is:

Monday:  Baked spaghetti, green beans and garlic bread
Tuesday:  Eggs, fried potatoes and toast.
Wednesday:  Steak hoagies and salad.
Thursday:  Potato soup
Friday:  Foil Tilapia, baked potato and carrots.
Saturday:  Pizza night and salad
Sunday:  Spicy honey chicken, sweet potatoes and salad.

Not too bad.  In the interest of honesty, any on these meals may be swapped out for Hamburger Helper if I'm tired. 

Make sure you check out Organizing Junkie this week.  I'm going to look and see what everyone else is having for dinner.  Hopefully, I'll get some new ideas for my menu.

1 comment:

  1. I just posted this morning the pros and cons to meal planning! The pros outweigh the cons... Press on! :)


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