24 October 2011

Menu Plan Monday for October 24th.

Ronnie is home with us this week on vacation.  Well, maybe I shouldn't say home with us.  He does have a pretty hefty to do list for the week.  It will still be nice to have him around instead of working 7am to 11pm like last week. 

I'm pulling out my A game for my menu this week.  I always try to fix a nice dinner, but with him working at the business and around the house, I'm planning all three meals this week.

Here's a quick rundown of the week:
   Coco wheat
   Waffles and yogurt
   Omelets, toast and OJ

   Pizza sticks and salad
   Mushroom bacon melt and applesauce
   Baked potato bar

Monday:        Spicy honey chicken, baked potato and green beans
Tuesday:        Angel chicken, asparagus
Wednesday:   Lasagna, Italian cheese bread, green beans
Thursday:      Broiled Tilapia, cauliflower cakes and garlic cheddar biscuits
Friday:          Crock pot Beef stroganoff over egg noodles, with corn
Saturday:       Pizza night and salad
Sunday:         Leftovers or breakfast for dinner.

We're also planning a trip to the pumpkin patch at Rich's Farms on Friday with our homeschool co-op, Thesis.  I'm taking pepperoni rolls, granola bars and my oh so delicious chocolate chip cookies

Be sure to check back later this week....I'm posting the homemade fabric softener recipe I tried and what I think of the results.

And for all my readers outside of beautiful WV, I'll be posting how to make pepperoni rolls.  A true WV speciality.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I need to know more about the pizza sticks :) My family is a pizza lovin' family, so I love trying new pizza ideas!

    Also I am looking forward to hearing about the homemade fabric softener!!

    Enjoy the week with your hubby!


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