Hi. I'm Charli and I'm a book hoarder.
I've heard that admitting your problem is the first step, so here goes.
I love books. I love to read. And honestly, until the past year or two, I had no time to read for myself. I was too busy with little guys. The only reading I routinely did was limited to in depth works such as Llama, Llama, Mad at Momma or One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. I mean after the 376th reading, there's really not much more to be said about a mad llama or oddly rhyming fish.
While perusing my Kindle for something to read last night, I realized I have a bit of a problem. Between free (or really cheap) deals on ebooks and the wonder that is WVDELI, where I can make giant wish lists and check out ebooks for free from the comfort of my home, I have a ton of books that I've squirrelled for later and not actually read.
So I've decided that each month I'm going to list the four books for me that I'd like to read as well as my current read a loud with the boys.
Here's my list for the remainder of July:
A Woman of Courage on the West Virginia Frontier by Robert N. Thompson
This is the story of Phebe Tucker Cunningham, her life in the Alleghenies and the ways of the Wyandot tribe, including her marriage at Prickett's Fort. This is available from WVDELI to
check out for free.
Say Goodbye to Survival Mode by Crystal Paine
Crystal Paine and her blog Money Saving Mom are one of my favorite blogs. She has great time
saving and money saving tips. I've actually read the first five chapters of this book, then life got
busy and I put it down. I'm excited to finish this.
The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson
We're actually doing this as a group Bible study at church on Wednesday nights. I'll be honest,
I thought the whole "circle making" bit was a little gimmicky at first, but there is some great
truths in this book. I'm enjoying this study.
As far as read alouds, we're still on a Dan Gutman kick. If you haven't read his My Weird School series you should. The boys have really enjoyed it and it's at WVDELI to check out for free. This month, we're going to read The Genius Files: Mission Unstoppable.
I know, I know. This is only part of my reading goal. Well, it's only part of a month since I came up with this idea! It's at least three more books that I can mark off my big ol' list.
And don't forget to comment below or on my Facebook page letting me know what you're reading. Because while I know I have a book squirreling problem, I'm also aware that I'm not going to stop.
I'd love to know what books have caught your attention.
I really liked Rhinestone Jesus by Kristen Welch. Lots of inspiration, encouragement and authenticity. Other than that, I have really enjoyed reading aloud the Ramona series to the girls. Hadn't read them since I was a little girl. Need to get cracking on my personal reading list a bit more as I too have quite a few sitting and waiting.
Megan, the blurb from Rhinestone Jesus - WOW! I'm totally adding that for next month.