21 July 2014

Menu Plan Monday for July 21st.

Oh my goodness!  It's almost noon on Monday and I haven't told you what we're eating this week.  How are you surviving?

I really have absolutely no good reason for being behind on my blog (or dishes, or laundry) today other than the fact that the boys & I have been having a paper airplane battle most of the morning.  I did not win.  At all. 

I did, however, decide to start the 31 Days to Clean challenge that I did a couple of years back after seeing the folded laundry on the couch and the paper airplane debris.  I have about 31 days until I start school again.  I almost seems like a sign, right?

Along with this week's menu, I'm also hoping to get a little baking done.  These boys are eating me out of house and home lately. 

Here's the plan:

Monday:  Spaghetti & meatballs, salad and garlic bread
Tuesday:  Meatball hoagies, carrots & dip, grapes
Wednesday:  BBQ chicken on a can, green beans and foil potatoes
Thursday:  Uncle J's dish on tortillas and peaches
Friday:  Pizza night
Saturday:  Steak, baked potato and green beans
Sunday:  Steak salads

I'm also planning on a baking day Wednesday to stock up on some snacks and treats like brownies, granola and bagels.  I'm also dragging out my canner to put up some spaghetti sauce this week.  We're hoping to harvest our honey on Saturday.  It's finally that time of year - time to start canning!  WooHoo! 

Check back later this week and I'll let you in on how I decide what to can and how much to can each year, as well as my curriculum choices for this year. 

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