09 March 2015

Menu Plan Monday for March 9th.

What?  It's double digit temperatures in West Virginia? 

I don't know what to do with myself.

It's been such a long, cold winter this year.  At one point, I literally didn't leave my house for 12 days.  (And it was glorious). 

You would think choosing to hibernate this year that I would have kept up with the ol' blog here, but nope.  I was an antisocial hibernater.  (Spell check is telling me hibernator isn't a word.  It's probably right.)

But I'm back for now and it's my favorite day:  Menu Plan Monday.

So here's what we're chowing down on this week:

Monday:  Baked ham, mashed potatoes and carrots
Tuesday:  Slow cooker steak & gravy, leftover mashed potatoes, peas
Wednesday:  Ham & cheese quiche, applesauce
Thursday:  Baked nachos, salad
Friday:  Soup beans and Lick the pan cornbread
Saturday:  Baked subs - ham & cheese and chicken, bacon, ranch.  Served with salad and peaches.
Sunday:  Leftovers.

I found a really nice ham for $0.99/# at Aldi's on Saturday.  I love when I can bake something and then feed the family off of it all week. 

I'll post my ham recipe for you later this week.  It's seriously the best.

As always don't forget to stop by orgjunkie.com to see more menu planning ideas!

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