02 January 2012

Menu Plan Monday for January 2nd to 8th.

Happy New Year!  Hope you had a great weekend.  We were very low key this weekend.  Ronnie had finally caught whatever bug the two littlest had and went to sleep before 8:30 thanks to NyQuil.  The boys fell asleep on the couch right after 8 and I finished up our glamorous New Year's celebration by unloading the dishwasher and watching a little TV.  Please, don't be so envious.  Not everyone can handle our outrageously, exciting lifestyle. 

I'm linking up this month with Jessica at Good Cheap Eats for her Eat from the Pantry Challenge.  The challenge is simple.  Shop my pantry, freezer and cellar before I go to the store.  More on that later.

Here's this weeks menu:

Monday:  Pancakes and eggs
Tuesday:  Steak, green beans & baked sweet potatoes
Wednesday:  Grilled chicken, Cracker Barrel carrots and fried potatoes
Thursday:  Crock pot Foil Tilapia layered with sweet potatoes
Friday:  Broccoli soup and rolls (Recipe later this week)
Saturday:  Pizza night
Sunday:  Leftovers

I'm also planning on packing our lunch for church since the boys are going to a soccer clinic every Sunday after church in the gym.  The good news is that they all three can take it now that Josiah is four.

You may remember that I signed us up for E-Mealz.  I've decided not to renew that subscription.  We tried two different meal plans - the regular plan and the low carb (both at Walmart).  The meals were fine for the most part.  I just don't like having to shop weekly and it really wasn't saving me money shopping that way.  I do think it's a great idea and well worth the money if you struggle with menu planning.  It just didn't work for me.

Be sure to check out Organizing Junkie for more menu planning ideas.

Here's to a great week and a great new year.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great meal plan! I'm a homeschooling mama too! We also had sickness for NYE and ended up at home living it up on the couch, ha ha!
    Stopping by from Org Junkie!


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