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08 May 2013

Thrifty Living: Yard Sale Mania.

It is getting harder and harder to stretch that budget. Every time I go to the store, I notice that packages are smaller and prices are bigger.  It seems like you just blink and your paycheck is gone.  I know, I'm with you! 
If you've read my blog for any time, you already know that I'm a big fan of the cash envelope system.  It helps keep me in budget.  I need help.  I like shiny, new things and I tend to get distracted by a bad case of the "wants". 
Today's thrifty living tip is how I keep us clothed for very little cash.  You guessed it - my good friend the yard sale.

I love yard sales!  Kids grow out of their clothes so quickly that it makes no sense to me to buy new.  Even if the stores have them on sale, I can still do better at a yard sale.  My boys are dressed in brand name clothes for pennies on the dollar.  As a bonus, when they inevitably stain or rip them, I'm not nearly as upset as if I paid full price.  Don't be weirded out by them being someone else's clothes.  I used to work in retail - at some higher end stores.  You should smell those clothes when they come out of the shipping boxes.  They're sprayed with horrible chemicals to kill whatever bugs or spiders are crawling around with them from overseas.  One time, when I worked at Brooks, we found a dead scorpion in the bottom of the box.  Creepy.  My point is this, unless you're shearing sheep and weaving your own fabric, all clothes really need washed before wearing.  And after a wash in hot water, what's the difference? 
Another way to stretch your clothing cash is hand me downs.  I love hand me downs.  I have a couple of girls that I work with who's boys are just above my boys in size.  I get all kinds of great clothes for free.  It's win-win.  They get them out of their homes, I get new to us clothes.  Don't think it's just for the boys.  My dear friend Leah cleans out her closets at least once a year and I reap the benefits.  Most of the clothes you see me in come from Kohls or Penneys - after a stop at Leah's house.  And when we're done with the clothes, any that are still in good shape head to the Salvation Army or Union Mission to help out someone else. 
The last place that I use for stretching our clothing dollars is Ebay.  When we went to the beach two years ago, I splurged on a new bathing suit.  Even with a percent off coupon and a sale it was still $60.  This past summer, my BFF Vicki put in a pool and I needed an extra bathing suit.  I got a great suit that I actually like better than my new one for only $12 including shipping. 
You may think that a little here and there for a cute shirt or another pair of flip flops is no big deal.  And maybe it isn't.  If you pay your bills on time and have a nice savings in the bank - go ahead!  Head to the mall and have a blast.  But if your income ended today, would you have enough to cover you for the next three months? 
That's the purpose of thrifty living.  It isn't just for those who don't have the money to spend.  It's for everyone. 
OK.  Enough seriousness.
Go find a good yard sale and save some cash!
Linking up with We Are That Family for WFMW.


Anonymous said...

my daughter is a teenaer now and frowns at yard sales, she is afraid of being "seen", any advice?
ps what corner of WV are you from? My husbands family live in Clarksburg and my family has lived all over the state.

Charli said...

We're just up the road in the Fairmont area. Small world! I haven't had to deal with any teenager issues yet, but I have known other mom's who give their teens a certain amount to spend on clothes - all of a sudden they realize how much further that money stretches at thrift stores and yard sales. Hope that helps.

Selena said...


Boy, do I hear ya about the packages getting smaller but more expensive.

I usually go to Goodwill for clothes, but please call when you plan to go on a yardsale run so I can tag along! :)

Also, there's a clothing giveaway place that Fountain of Life (used to be Bible Fellowship) runs on Tuesdays. Everything is free. My mom helps out there, so if you'd like to go sometime I'll be happy to go with you.

Charli said...

I've heard about Fountain of Life but I've never been. You are welcome to come with us! We have a blast.