Tempt Your Tummy.               Things I Think About.               Project Time.              

01 February 2013

A snowy day full of random updates.

It's February.  My favorite month, my birthday month and the reason I say that all good people are born in February.  You can still be good if you're born in a different month but it's just probably harder to do.  At least that's my theory. 

OK, in all semi-seriousness, I thought I would use this snowy day for an update on my goals.

  • T Tapp three times weekly - I can't find my T-Tapp DVD but I've been doing a walking video instead. 
  • Actually take my vitamins, not just buy them and set them in the cabinet. - I took them this week and I can tell a huge difference.
  • Sleep eight hours most nights. - most night, yes.
  • Read two books each month. - I chose two meaty books for January (Desperate and Malachi) and I haven't gotten through either.  I may set Desperate down until next month and pick an easier read.
  • Memorize two Bible verses each month. -  Done.  Zephaniah 3:17 and Philippians 4:6-7
  • Schedule one date night a month. - We had a date night on Monday.  Nothing fancy, just out to eat at the Mexican restaurant but it was nice to just sit and talk.
  • Begin Project Peacock.  - This has been a success so far. 
  • Organize our pictures.
  • Start composting.
  • Finish and plant my raised beds.
  • Raise chickens.
I've not done one single thing on this list. 

  • Spend one on one time with each boy monthly. - This is a lot harder than I thought it would be.  With Ronnie's work schedule it's almost impossible to get a time when Ronnie & I can split the boys so we can have one on one time.  I've got to think about this one more.  I may change this to once every three months so I can rotate who gets one on one time each month.  I feel bad even saying that, but it's just the season we're in right now. 
  • Incorporate family night. One night each week where it's just us. - This we've done and are really enjoying.  We either do movie night or game night - usually on Fridays. 
  • Spend time with extended family monthly. - This hasn't happened yet. 
  • Finish 24 read alouds with the boys this year. - We've finished Mr. Popper's Penguins and Roscoe Riley Rules #4: Never Swim in Applesauce.
  • Actually use my homeschool tracker software. - Does it count if I've at least looked at it.  No.  I didn't think so.
  • Use Quickbooks for all business expenses as well as income. - Partial success.  I still have a stack of bills to put into the computer.
  • Make daily allotted time to focus on business a priority. - I've been hit or miss with this.  I need to be more consistent.
  • Make an effort to pay extra on mortgages. - This I've done. 
So basically, I'm hit or miss on my goals one month into the year.  It's alright.  I still have time to work toward them. 

So, how was your January?


Rachel E. said...

Baby steps -remember. Homeschool Tracker is a useful tool, but like other things, it takes time. I looked at mine and actually put in the information. However, no grades and such in there. Just too much work involved.

Charli said...

I know Rachel! I love the idea of Homeschool Tracker, but it so overwhelms me. I have the kids in there, our field trips and some of our books.